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Air Sparge and Soil Vapor Extraction System
Gas Station in Tyngsboro, MA


  • Gasoline Plum Impacting Zone A of a Class A Surface Drinking Water Source as well as within 500 feet of multiple Private Drinking Water Supply Wells.
  • Residual Volatile Petroleum Hydrocarbons (VPH) in soil and groundwater.
  • Impacts to 3 properties and state highway (MassDOT).


  • Conducted Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) and Air Sparge (AS) Pilot Test. The test was conducted in 15 inches of water column (IWC) steps. Vacuum influence measurements were collected in 12 points at 15 minute intervals. Depth to groundwater was also measured to evaluate mounding. SVE influence was measured at 60+ feet at 30 IWC and 50 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM). Soil gas measurements were utilized to evaluate sparged contaminants.
  • The design included 6 AS points and one SVE point. Permits were obtained from MASSDOT and the Tyngsborough Conservation Commission.
  • OHI also provided litigation support for pending litigation and negotiated access agreements to install equipment.