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Dry Cleaners and Chlorinated Solvent Sites


  • OHI has provided assessment and remediation services at numerous current and former dry cleaners and at Sites where chlorinated solvents have been released.
  • Assessments have included soil, groundwater, sub-slab soil gas, indoor air, sediment and surface water sampling and laboratory analysis.
  • Remediation measures have included soil excavation and disposal, multi-phase extraction, soil vapor extraction, in-situ oxidation, and sub-slab depressurization.


  • Prepare Notices of Intent for work near wetland areas.
  • Preparation and submittal of design plans and support calculations for remediation systems.
  • Licensed Site Professional services in Massachusetts.
  • Design, implementation, and monitoring for remediation systems.
  • Site-specific risk assessments.
  • Preparation and submittal of regulatory reports.
  • Public Involvement Activities.